3 Simple Steps For Selling Your Home Fast!


1: Choose the right real estate agent

The most important aspect of selling your home fast is to ensure that you are working with a realtor who is as invested in selling your home as you are. A good realtor should be telling you exactly what you should and should not be doing in order to sell your home. You do not want a realtor who simply coordinates showing through the use of a lock box and doesn’t help you prepare for the best outcome possible. Some of the key aspects of a good realtor will be covered in this list as there own individual points, such as taking professional pictures of your home, setting the right price for your home & staging your home etc.

Additional steps that you can take to make sure you have the right real estate agent:
- Ask for referrals
- Check out their reviews
- Meet with them, call them (who answers the phone, how quickly do they reply?)
- Look at their past listings (how were they marketed, how quickly did they sell?)

2: Have professional pictures taken

All too often I am astounded at the quality of pictures that I see other real estate agents post/share. Photographs are the very first impression that a buyer is going to get of your home and a buyer will decide at this first impression if your home is something that they want to look further into. These photos should highlight the best features of your home and should help a potential buyer envision this home being their own.

Additional steps that you can take to ensure that the pictures of your home give you the best outcome.
- Make sure the home is clean & free of clutter.
- Make sure that landscaping is presentable.
- Make sure that your furniture is staged for the shot.
- Ask your real estate agent if the photos will be edited for best quality.

3: Make sure the price is right

Everyone is fully aware that you want to get the best price possible for your home. Your Real Estate Agent also wants you to get a great price as their commission will also be based on this price. But, it is critical to ensure that your price is realistic and that your expectations are within reason. Having realistic expectations will help you sell your home fast and avoid unnecessary price negotiations to get you from an unrealistic price, down to a realistic one. Your Real Estate Agent should guide you in understanding the current home market and setting realistic expectations and objectives when it comes to the right price and time frame that you should be able to expect.
